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A Professional Business Email Address

A professional business email address is essential when starting a business. Learn about why it’s essential and more importantly how to create one…

Why Do You Need A Professional Email Address?

If you are creating or starting your own business, a professional email address is one essential part you need to think about. But, why is it even important? Can’t you use your personal e-mail? Here are some reasons you should get a professional email address: 

  • TRUST : Your clients are more likely to trust a professional email address than a personal one. Note the difference : jack.jover@yahoo.ca VS jack@joversaccounting.com. It also adds professionalism and gives your clients more confidence in you and your business
  • MARKETING : Having a professional email address that uses your domain promotes your brand as a whole and the name you use for your website, email and social medias will be the same making it easy to remember. When a client receives your emails they will have the business name and the website name all in one.
  • SAFETY: The hosting services for professional emails have higher security than the public ones: Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo etc… With a professional email address you will have higher security on your data, your information and be safe from virus and spams. They also come with large storage space needed to manage your business and everything will be protected and private. 

Using a Custom Domain

As mentioned in the examples above, professional emails often use the registered company’s domain name as this instills professionalism and trust from the customers. If you are not familiar with what a domain is  or haven’t chosen one yet check this TechBlog Article: All About Domains

The next step once you have your domain name is to choose the 1st part of your email. It could be your first name, your last name or both. It could also represent a role or position such as: CEO, info, help, customerservice. This step should be the easiest one, do not overcomplicate it and when in doubt just choose the basic first and last name.

Here are visual representations of previous examples:

  • firstnamelastname@domain.com –> laurynesmith@altimex.com
  • firstname@domain.com –> lauryne@altimex.com
  • lastname@domainname.com –>smith@altimex.com
  • positionlastname@domainname.com –> ceosmith@altimex.com
  • position@domainname.com –> ceo@altimex.com / info@altimex.com / help@altimex.com

How To Create A Professional Email Address?

Now that you know what you want your email to be and you’ve registered your domain, the last step is to create this address. First, you need to make sure you’ve chosen and registered a domain, if you’re not sure how to, check out: All About Domains. Next, you will need to choose the hosting service that is right for you. There are important factors you need to look at such as: the price point, the amount of storage included, if you can host it on the same platform as your website, the security level and the add-on features. 

Here are some popular email hosting services:

Note: An email client and email host are different, an email client lets you read and write emails (ex:yahoo, gmail) and an email host is what lets you send and receive them on a specific network.

  • The Google G Suite : Very easy to use, if you like keeping everything on the cloud
  • BlueHost : It is also a web hosting platform so you can register your domain, make your e-mail and build your website
  • GoDaddy : Offers a Microsoft Office 365 add-on
  • Rackspace : If you only need email hosting without paying extra for the add-ons
  • Greatmail : The standard email plan starts at only $1/month


Action Plan

After seeing this much information you must be wondering What do I do now? Here are some steps to take in order to start making your professional email address. 

  1. Choose a domain name ( For help with this step visit : All About Domains )
  2. Register your domain name ( For help with this step list: All About Domains )
  3. Choose the format your email will take: FirstName, LastName or position etc…
  4. Choose wether or not you will use a custom domain
  5. If yes, choose a hosting service. If no, make that email with an email client (gmail, yahoo, hotmail, etc…)


GoDaddy surveyed their customers, and 75 percent declared that a professional email address is a key to building trust with a business.

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